Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rent uh family......anyone?

There are many things a person may rent.....cars, furniture, recreational vehicles, party tents, you name it but sometimes I want to "Rent uh family...anyone"? When I was a little girl, we would have these big potllucks with augratin potatoes, homemade potato salad, baked beans (not from a can with thick wedges of ham), and chicken. I distinctly remember the hall being packed with 40 or more people. Nowadays, my family is packed all over the place in Indiana, Nebraska, South Carolina, and Michigan. As a product of a baby boomer union with five siblings, my reality is I get my vehicle tags renewed more often than I see them. And I cannot remember the date when we were all in the same room.

While camping this fourth of July, a walk around the campground brought up so many memories along with twinges of sadness. I could see the big families wrapped around a cozy campfire and it made me homesick for those days as a little girl when all my family was together. I can admit that I am extremely jealous of those big families. Even the big Hoffman reunions have dwindled to nothing as the nice lady who planned these events died of cancer and most of them have passed away.

Along with space are the family killers called divorce and death. My children's grandfather recently died and to my dismay, their step grandma has already severed the ties even though the grave is still fresh. I guess for her our relationship was only one of obligation. Another broken tie.

Camping makes me so happy because I am enjoying my sons who are growing quickly (20, 16, & 15). That cramped space molds us together and stops us from gravitating to all the technology all around us. But, my sons do not know what it is like to have their aunts, uncles, and cousins around consistently. Their visits are like a yearly business trip. Not to demean them, the visits are awesome but it's like having a nibble of pizza.,.a real teaser.

My children are blessed because they have their grandmas and I remind them of that daily. But with the death of my father-in-law, it has made me just want to appreciate the family I have. It is essential.


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